For the body to remain healthy, waste products to be eliminated properly and blood to remain pure, it is important that your liver continues to function properly. The liver is one of the most important organs, from maintaining proper digestion to keeping blood sugar under control, the liver needs to function properly. However, surprisingly the risk of liver related diseases is increasing rapidly.

Due to liver diseases, not only digestive health get affected but many other negative changes also start taking place in the body.

World Liver Day is celebrated every year on 19 April to make people aware about the increasing cases of liver-related diseases and educate them about how to keep this organ healthy.

Alcohol is very harmful to the liver
Speaking to Amar Ujala, senior liver disease specialist Dr. Rajeev Aggarwal says, that alcohol consumption is considered to be the main factor for most liver diseases. When you drink alcohol, the body starts breaking it down so that it can come out of the body. However, during the process, substances are formed that are even more harmful than alcohol. Excessive amounts of these substances can damage liver cells and cause serious liver disease.

Alcohol is the cause of 4 out of 5 deaths due to liver disease. Among the liver diseases caused by alcohol, problems like fatty liver (steatosis), liver inflammation (alcoholic hepatitis), and cirrhosis are prominent.

Damage to liver cells due to alcohol
Health experts say that the liver is a very flexible organ and is capable of regenerating itself. Every time your liver filters alcohol, it damages liver cells. Although the liver develops new cells, drinking alcohol frequently or for a long time affects the ability of its cells to regenerate, which can result in serious damage to your liver.

The problem of fat accumulation in the liver
Researchers said that the problem of fat formation in the liver is also being seen in young people. Although there is a risk of this even in those people who do not drink alcohol, however, excessive alcohol consumption is considered to be the main reason. Cases of cirrhosis are usually associated with long-term excessive alcohol consumption. Researchers said people who do not consume alcohol have less risk of liver-related diseases.

What is the expert's advice?
Dr. Rajiv says, if you stop drinking alcohol, you can prevent many types of liver-related diseases. Apart from this, to keep the liver healthy, it is considered necessary to maintain a proper diet and consume more green vegetables and fruits. By staying away from alcohol, you can maintain the health of this most important organ of the body.