Parenting Tips: Childhood friends are always special because the earliest memories of our lives are made with them. But if there are no friends, then you can imagine how colorless childhood can be. In such a situation, if your child has a problem that he is not able to make friends, then it can be quite worrying. He might feel lonely during class, playground or any activity in school. Do not take this problem lightly because it means that the child can become a victim of loneliness in the early years of his life, which also affects his mental health. You can help them in this situation. Let us know some ways in which you can help your child make friends.

keep an eye on some of their stuff

Pay attention to your child's social behavior. Pay attention to how they meet and talk to people outside. If you notice anything different from their normal behavior, note those things down. This will help you understand what social skills your child needs to learn. It is possible that your child has social anxiety or is shy. This will help you understand where your child needs help.

Teach social skills

You should teach your child the skills of talking to others, socializing, listening to others, and sharing their problems. Roleplay or group activities can help you with this.

Don't compare

Don't compare your child with their siblings or neighbors. Don't compare yourself even by telling stories of your childhood. This may reduce your child's self-confidence. Therefore, it would be better that you adopt the personality of your child. With this, they will also be able to accept themselves and learn to love themselves. They don't need to have a dozen friends. It may also happen that they make only two or three friends, but make good friends. So as long as they are not facing any problem then there is no need for you to worry.

Be a role model

Children learn a lot from their parents knowingly or unknowingly. Therefore, you can help them by becoming a role model for them at home. While talking to your partner, other members of the house, or your friends, keep in mind that your child can learn to talk openly and express his feelings by watching you.

Don't ignore trouble

If your child has trouble socializing, do not ignore this. This may cause further problems for your child in the future. So try to gradually take them out of their comfort zone. If the problem persists, seek professional help.