Reasons for Extra Marital Affair: The relationship between husband and wife is very sweet. It rests on mutual trust and love. But when they come to know that their partner has fallen in love with someone else, then that person breaks down. This not only breaks the married life but also destroys the happy family. Why does this happen after all? Why do people get into extra-marital affairs despite being with their spouses? Relationship experts say that there are not one but 5 reasons for this. If all men and women pay attention to these reasons, then their married life will never be in danger. Let us know what are those 5 big reasons.

Extra Marital Affair Reasons

Lack of romance in life

Those couples who lack romance and enthusiasm, it doesn't take long for them to have an extramarital affair. Such people unknowingly choose this way to try something new and keep themselves happy.

The emotional distance between the two

When the emotional connection decreases in couples. They are just busy with their family and work, then there is emptiness in married life. In such a situation, despite being in the bond of marriage, the couple feels lonely. In such a situation, if they get emotional support from outside, it does not take long for them to falter.

Bad physical relationship

According to relationship experts, it is very important to have healthy sex regularly to keep the marriage strong. Women consider it as wasteful work and try to avoid it. Their husbands indulge in affairs to fulfill their needs.

The financial crisis at home

The responsibility of running the house is usually considered that of the wife. But when he does not get enough money for household expenses, there are daily quarrels between husband and wife. When such quarrels increase, then she starts getting attracted to such a person in an unwanted way, who is stronger than money.

Forced marriage

For those couples who get married against their will, their married life always remains shaky. Such people are never happy with their married life and life partner. The bond of affection between them is very weak. Due to this, their chances of getting into Extra Marital Affairs Reasons increase.

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