Maintaining cleanliness is very important for good health. Maintaining personal hygiene keeps the body away from problems like infection. Taking bath daily, keeping hair clean, cutting nails on time, keeping teeth clean, washing hands before eating, wearing clean clothes, all these are very important to keep us healthy, these habits are taught to children since childhood.

Cutting nails is a very important part of personal hygiene. Long ago, when people did not have nail cutters, they used to cut nails with a blade. Cutting nails with a blade is very dangerous. Well, we are talking about nail cutter. You must have often seen that apart from the nail cutting blade, there are two more blades installed in the nail cutter. Have you ever wondered what is the function of these two blades?

Actually, nail cutter can be used for many other purposes apart from cutting nails. Nail cutter has three blades. The first blade, which has two teeth at the top and bottom at the end of the nail cutter, is used to cut nails. Whereas the second and third blades have to come out with the help of nail from the nail cutter.

Function of the second blade:

The second blade is slightly pointed and looks like a small sword, with a slight curve at the front. Its job is to clean the dirt hidden in the corners of the nail. Apart from this, there is a design in the middle of this blade which is used to open the cold drink bottle.

Function of the third blade:

The third blade in a nail cutter is a kind of knife. Whose job is to cut light things like vegetables. It can be used to cut delicate things (like fruits or lemon) while traveling.

The fourth interesting thing about the nail cutter:

Apart from these three blades, there is a fourth interesting thing in the nail cutter. You must have seen a rough part somewhere in the nail cutter. Actually, it often happens that after cutting the nails, there is a strange bumpiness on the front of the nail; to level it, the nail has to be lightly rubbed on the rough part of the nail cutter. With this the nails become even.

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