Motherhood Challenges: With the birth of a child also comes the birth of a mother. As much as a child is ignorant about everything in the world, the condition of the mother is also similar. She is also unaware of many experiences of motherhood. There is no doubt that most of the experiences are very lovely and memorable, but there are some experiences for which a mother is not prepared. Let us know about the experiences felt in the first year of motherhood:

  • Nothing prepares you for the extent to which a child's crying can sometimes depress you. You may feel incompetent.
  • You stay awake the whole evening and night to put your baby to sleep and may ultimately fail. But as soon as he sleeps, you will sit and look at his photos.
  • During this time, you may lose many friends who used to go to parties or clubs with you. They may not understand you. These things may prick you in a corner of your heart. There is a fear of missing you among everyone.
  • You will not be able to do your basic routine work for several days without any interruption. These things will frustrate you sometimes and you will miss your old free life.
  • You will remain afraid of losing your identity. It is a different matter that you are also very happy with your new existence, hence you may feel alone in this whirlpool of dual emotions.
  • You'll learn how to lull your baby to sleep even when you're not getting enough sleep, and how these things can affect your health.
  • In the end you will know that some days are just hard, neither child nor motherhood is difficult, it is a pleasant experience with some easy and some difficult days along the way. Even when you are fully prepared, you may feel frustrated and this is completely normal. With time, children will grow up and new pages will be added to your book of motherhood.

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