Many food items are kept in the kitchen. There are many things which do not spoil and some things get infected by insects. You must have noticed that the pulses and rice kept in the kitchen often get infested with insects, due to which they become useless. Sometimes this can also happen due to the lids of the containers not being fitted properly. Today let us tell you how you can protect it from insects.

Many times the things kept in the kitchen get spoiled or insects get infested in them. You may face this problem due to not closing the lids of the containers properly. Your pomegranate also gets spoiled due to wet hands. Due to this, insects also start appearing in wheat. To clean the weevils in wheat, you should clean the grain boxes thoroughly so that they do not get spoiled at all.

You should keep wheat in such a place where there is no moisture. Due to the presence of water, your grains get spoiled and insects also appear. It should always be cleaned. To protect the flour from insects or spoilage, you can add whole or dried red chillies to the flour. This solution will seem a bit strange to you but it can be very useful for you, you should definitely use it.

If your wheat also gets attacked by insects again and again, then you will have to take a white cotton cloth and then tie salt in it. After doing this, you have to put it in the flour box. By doing this you will see that insects have stopped appearing in the flour and you can use it for years. This solution is going to be very useful for you.

You should note down the remedies suggested by us somewhere. This can be useful to you anytime. You have to put some neem leaves in its box. By doing this your pulses will never be affected by weevils. With this you can also keep your pulses clean.

If your wheat gets infested with insects even after repeated cleaning, then you should keep dry mint leaves aside in the box. By doing this, insects or mites never enter the flour.

(PC: Freepik)