Having a clogged kitchen sink is a terrifying experience. If you do not allow food and drink to freeze in it, then its pipe will never get jammed, but we often make mistakes due to carelessness. Usually, things like tea leaves, hair, and bones get stuck in the drains connected to the sink, due to which there is an obstruction in the movement of water and the water fills up to the top. But there is no need to panic for this, you can easily clear the pipe of the sink.

Method 1 – Use a plunger
For this, first of all, take out the dirty water filled in the sink with the help of a utensil. Now fill half of the sink with hot water. Then place the plunger over the drain and then drain up and down to empty the drain. Keep trying for some time. If this method does not work, then try another method.

Method 2: Use hot water, vinegar, and baking soda.
It is better to wear rubber gloves before trying this method. For this, take out the frozen water in the sink. Now pour a cup of baking soda down the drain. If necessary, use a spatula. Pour one cup of vinegar down the drain again. Put a stopper on the hole so that the vinegar will stop the drain. Wait for the chemical process for 5 minutes. Finally pour hot water in the kitchen sink, so that it can be known whether the jam is over.

Method 3 - Use a plumber's snake
If you want to try a more professional method, you can use a plumber snake, it is like a metal hanger with a coil wire attached to it. You can also use P-Tamp, this cleaning can take from 15 minutes to an hour. Hopefully, by trying these methods, the jam present in your sink will be cleared.

(PC: Freepik)