Kitchen Hacks: Today we have come up with a method of making rose water spray for the kitchen. With the use of rose water spray, the smell of your kitchen will go away and at the same time, it will also make the kitchen shine.

How To Make Gulab Jal Kitchen Cleaning Spray: Gulab Jal is one such item that has been used for beauty since time immemorial. Rose water is undoubtedly a magic potion for beautiful skin. But do you know that with the help of rose water, you can also brighten the kitchen?

That's why today we have come up with the method of making rose water spray to get rid of the bad smell of the kitchen. With the use of rose water spray, the smell of your kitchen will go away, as well as it will make the kitchen shine, so let's know how to make rose water spray for the kitchen (How To Make Gulab Jal Kitchen Cleaning Spray)-

Essential ingredients for making rose water spray for the kitchen-

White vinegar 6 teaspoons

Rose water 1 bottle

How to make rose water spray for the kitchen?

To make rose water for the kitchen, first of all, take rose water.

Then you put the rose water in a cleaning bottle.

After this, add 1 cup of lukewarm water and white vinegar to it.

Then close the bottle and shake it well.

Now your kitchen rose water spray is ready.

But it would be better if you use it only while cleaning the kitchen.