The person who is not contaminated by his deeds and who does not have any kind of malice in his mind, God Gandharva, vampires and demons cannot harm him. Know how a person can get rid of every problem through actions like this.

In the Indian mind, the word deity is supposed to represent many extraordinary abilities. The meaning of the word deity is wide, but in practice, it has been used in such a way that few people can understand it. In Rigveda, there is only one deity of the whole world, but there are infinite deities who work under him, who are the nurturers of the same power.

It is said in the Upanishads that the same power is divided into many forms due to causation, so we imagine that image in every particle. This is our feeling. Every object of the world has appeared according to the spirit of man and his interest. The Upanishads believe that the powers and feelings within us are the gods. If a man gets acquainted with his inner powers and presents them in action, then he is called a deity.

The deities are also said to be subject to karma. Karma has been elaborately explained in our scriptures. There the place of Karma is said to be higher than that of the gods. It has been said that 'Karma Pradhan Vishwa Ruchi Rakha'. The religion originated from karma. Charak Samhita believes that 'the man who is not contaminated by his deeds and who does not have any kind of malice in his mind, Gods, Gandharvas, vampires, and demons cannot harm him. Unrighteousness can be conquered only by religion. Not by the grace of the gods.'

Man has been called superior because he has consciousness. The meaning of life lies in awakening the consciousness that was sleeping within and giving its benefit to others. This is the best work of man and it also becomes the ultimate religion. There was only one feeling at the root of deities' worship, worship, worship, etc., and that was the feeling of 'Sohan'. The meaning is that we should become the same as you are, we should also get the same power and strength, and we should also get immortal status like you.

Being immortal is the identity of divinity. After returning after an eternity, when people asked Buddha about God, Buddha remained silent, but due to his tenacity, sacrifice, and emotion, he started being called God. This feeling makes Surdas, Tulsidas, Meera, etc. immortal, and becoming immortal is said to attain divinity.