International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June. On this day, citizens of many countries of the world do yoga collectively and pledge to stay healthy. Yoga is a method derived from the culture of India which makes a person physically and mentally healthy. India told the world about the importance of yoga by promoting yoga and started celebrating Yoga Day at the global level.

Yoga has many properties. It is effective in eliminating many mental disorders including mental peace, increasing memory, and reducing stress. At the same time, by increasing physical activity, yoga strengthens the external and internal organs and keeps away from diseases.

People of any age or gender can do yoga. On the occasion of this Yoga Day, you can also get a healthy body and mind by incorporating yoga into your lifestyle. However, if you are going to do yoga for the first time, then practice simple yogasanas. Try to start yoga practice under the supervision of a yoga guru or an expert.

Here detailed information is being given about simple and beneficial yogasanas for people doing yoga for the first time.

Bhujangasana or Sarpasana
The posture of the body in Bhujangasana is like a snake, so this asana is also called Sarpasana. The practice of this asana strengthens the back muscles. The functions of digestion, liver, and kidney improve. Also, the spine becomes strong, and stress and fatigue are relieved.

During the practice of Uttanasana, the body is below the heart. Due to this, the blood flow starts from the head instead of the feet, due to which a good amount of blood and oxygen starts reaching the brain.

Paschimottanasana yoga requires more mental focus and flexibility. In the beginning, its practice may be a little difficult, but with time you get used to it. Daily practice of Paschimottanasana yoga can help you in keeping your overall health better.

Practicing Paschimottanasana yoga is very effective in these health problems, know the advice of experts

Adhomukha Shavasana
This is considered the best asana for hair growth. Practicing this asana promotes blood circulation in the parts of the head, which nourishes the hair follicles. This asana has many other benefits as well.