Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June all over the world. The purpose of celebrating Yoga Day is to make people aware of the importance and benefits of yoga and to spread awareness about health. Yoga is very beneficial for physical and mental health. Yoga is effective for improving blood flow and strengthening muscles. Apart from this, yoga practice also benefits conditions like insomnia, anxiety, and fatigue.

There are many yoga exercises, which are effective in different health problems. Make it a habit to practice many yoga sets regularly, from Surya Namaskar to Pranayama, Anulom Vilom to Bhujangasana. However, yoga should be done according to your physical ability, under the advice of a doctor and the supervision of a yoga guru.

Encouraged by Yoga Day, people start doing yoga but do yoga in the wrong way. Some mistakes while doing yoga can be harmful rather than beneficial for your health. Here you are being told what should not be done before and after doing yoga, so that yoga does not have a negative effect.

Yoga on an empty stomach

Do not start practicing yoga as soon as you wake up in the morning. Often people start doing yoga anytime and in any situation. Clean your stomach first. Yoga should be practiced on an empty stomach. If you do not have time to practice yoga in the morning, then do yoga at least 3-4 hours after eating.

Do not wear tight clothes
Tight clothes like gym clothes are not needed for yoga. Wear comfortable clothes while practicing yoga. Do yoga in light-colored cotton clothes in summer, so that the body will feel comfortable and you will be able to concentrate during yoga.

Do not bathe immediately after yoga
By doing yoga, a lot of energy of the body is spent and the body temperature increases. Therefore, one should not bathe immediately after yoga practice, as it can cause diseases like cold and flu.

Do not drink water after yoga
Water should not be drunk immediately after yoga practice. Drinking water after yoga causes phlegm in the throat. In such a situation, drink water only after waiting for some time after doing yoga.

Do not eat food after yoga practice

One should not eat food immediately after doing yoga. Eat food only after at least half an hour of practicing yoga. Keep in mind that do not eat a heavy diet, eat only light food. Food should not be eaten even before yoga. This can cause indigestion.

Do not do yoga during illness

If you practice yoga regularly, but ever fall ill, do not do yoga. This can be harmful to your health. The body remains weak and tired during illness. Doing yoga consumes energy. In such a situation, do not do yoga in this situation. You can practice yoga after getting permission to do it after medical advice.