Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first podcast interview, conducted by Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, has become the talk of the town. The podcast, which touched on various aspects of Modi’s life, leadership, and personal experiences, has gone viral for several reasons, with one particular moment about Italy’s Prime Minister Georgia Meloni standing out.

The Memes and the Selfie

During the interview, Nikhil Kamath, in a light-hearted moment, asked PM Modi about the memes that circulated after the PM took a selfie with Georgia Meloni. Kamath, known for his jovial nature, linked the viral moment to his own fondness for Italian food, especially pizza. He cheekily remarked that since he is a fan of pizza and it originates from Italy, people might say that the Prime Minister is well-acquainted with Italy too. Kamath paused, and with a smile, he asked Modi about the meme-worthy selfie with Meloni.

The conversation quickly shifted when the camera zoomed in on Modi, showing a brief moment of contemplation. In a clever editing touch, the viral selfie of Modi and Meloni was shown, both of them grinning happily for the camera. Modi, initially at a loss for words, responded with a smile and shrugged off the question, saying, “No, no, that keeps happening. I do not waste my time.”

PM Modi’s Humble Response

Nikhil Kamath, continuing with his playful questioning, asked the Prime Minister if he had seen the memes. Modi responded nonchalantly, "I do not waste my time" and added that he wasn’t particularly fond of food. He explained that he eats whatever vegetarian food is served to him. Modi also reflected on the late BJP leader Arun Jaitley, recalling how Jaitley was fond of food and would order the same dishes when dining out while working for the party.

Insights into Leadership

Beyond the fun moments, PM Modi used the podcast to share deeper reflections on leadership. When asked about the definition of leadership in today’s era, Modi shared his perspective on Mahatma Gandhi. He explained that Gandhi’s leadership was not defined by physical appearance or oratorical skills, but by his tenacity and ability to communicate. Modi emphasized that while Gandhi didn’t have a traditional leadership style, his strength lay in his perseverance and the power of his words.

Modi noted that Gandhi, despite being frail and lacking formal political power, managed to unite the entire nation through his message of non-violence. Modi explained how Gandhi’s communication, rather than just grand speeches, became the driving force behind his leadership, which ultimately helped him earn the title of "Mahatma."

The Power of Communication

PM Modi stressed that a leader’s ability to communicate effectively is more important than their ability to give flowery speeches. He pointed to Gandhi, who advocated non-violence while holding a stick taller than himself, as an example of how contradictory elements can still convey a strong message. Gandhi’s use of simple yet powerful communication was central to his legacy, Modi said.


While the podcast was full of insightful moments on leadership, personal stories, and historical reflections, the viral moment with Italy's PM Meloni remains a highlight. Modi’s candid and humble responses to the meme discussion, coupled with his thoughtful take on leadership, made the interview an engaging and memorable one for both fans and political observers alike. The candid moments, especially his reflection on Gandhi’s leadership, added a layer of depth to the conversation, making it more than just a casual discussion.