Eggs are considered beneficial for health in many ways. It is not only a good source of protein but also many other types of vitamins and minerals are found in it which can be beneficial for health. Researchers found that eggs are a good source of important nutrients such as vitamins B6, B12, and vitamin D, along with unsaturated fats known to be beneficial for heart health. That is, it can be called a superfood. But do you know that eggs can also increase the risk of food poisoning in you?

Health experts have found that fresh eggs may contain salmonella, which poses a risk of food poisoning. In such a situation, eating raw eggs can be harmful to you. Not only eggs but eating many other things raw can also cause food poisoning, let's know about it.

Raw eggs can be harmful
Fresh raw eggs may contain salmonella, which poses a risk of food poisoning. This is the reason why health experts say that eggs should be cooked and eaten, making sure that you cook the eggs until the white and yolk become hard. Refrigerate eggs or foods that contain eggs immediately after cooking.

Salmonella is a type of infectious agent that can be on the eggshell. After laying eggs, if they come in contact with the feces of birds, then there is a risk of infection. Salmonella can also be inside the egg.

Salmonella can be fatal
Health experts explain, in severe cases, food-borne bacteria can cause you to develop chronic and life-threatening health problems. Salmonella causes about 30 deaths each year in the United States. Due to this, the risk of getting food poisoning has become very high.

Usually, cooking the egg thoroughly kills the bacteria. If you're using a recipe that calls for raw or undercooked eggs, make sure you only use eggs that have gone through the pasteurization process.

Raw potatoes are also harmful
What do you do with a potato that has turned green or is sprouting? Potato greens and potato sprouts can contain solanine and chaconine, which are toxic and can make you sick. Due to this, there is also a risk of problems like diarrhea, fever, headache, and vomiting. Avoid eating sprouted potatoes. Consume the potato after cleaning it thoroughly and cooking it well.

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