Immunity Boosting Foods Doctors recommend eating jaggery in winter to stay healthy. At the same time, diabetic patients are also asked to take jaggery instead of sugar. Jaggery is nothing less than a boon for health.

Immunity Boosting Foods: Special care has to be taken for health in winter. Negligence increases the risk of cold, cough, cold and seasonal fever. Doctors recommend strengthening the immune system to prevent seasonal diseases. For this, include Vitamin-C-rich food in the diet. Apart from this, to strengthen the immune system, you must consume these 4 things daily. Let's know-

Eat ghee

Ghee can be consumed to strengthen the immune system in winter. Ghee is considered a medicine in Ayurveda. Immunity is strengthened by its use. For this, the help of therapy is also taken in Ayurveda. In this method, a few drops of ghee are put in the nose. Ghee contains essential nutrients like vitamins A, E, K2, and D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial in various diseases. Also, the immune system is strengthened.

Eat jaggery

Doctors recommend eating jaggery in winter to stay healthy. At the same time, diabetic patients are also asked to take jaggery instead of sugar. Jaggery is nothing less than a boon for health. Its consumption reduces the risk of seasonal diseases occurring in winter. Vitamin B-1, B-6, and C are found in abundance in it. Apart from this, antioxidant properties are also found in jaggery, which proves to be beneficial for health, its consumption also strengthens the immune system.

Eat amla

Amla is called medicine in Ayurveda. Many medicinal properties are found in it, which are beneficial in preventing many types of diseases. Vitamin C is found in abundance in it. This strengthens the immune system. Along with this, hair problems also go away. At the same time, amla is also beneficial in diabetes. For this, do consume Amla in winter.

Eat dates

Dates have antioxidant properties, which prove helpful in preventing various types of diseases. Apart from this, many essential nutrients are found in dates. Its use helps in getting rid of anemia. At the same time, dates are also beneficial in weight gain. Dates can be consumed for this.