Smiling adds charm to your personality. But if your teeth are yellow, then your smile starts to fade. There can be many reasons for the yellowing of teeth, such as not brushing properly, consumption of things that make teeth yellow, removal of the upper layer of teeth or tooth decay, etc.

In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such methods, by trying which you can get rid of the problem of yellow teeth. With the help of these easy home remedies, your teeth start to look white and shiny, so let us know the easy tips to remove the yellowing of the teeth.

How To Clean Yellow Teeth

Strawberries contain malic acid which helps in whitening your teeth. For this, you brush your teeth thoroughly by mixing baking soda in a strawberry.

For this, grind some pieces of pineapple by putting some water in a blender. Then after filtering this mixture, mix light salt and sugar in the prepared juice. After this, you clean your teeth with this mixture.

Banana Peel
For this, rub the inner part of the Banana Peel well in your teeth. After this, you rub your teeth with the help of a brush. Then you clean the teeth with normal toothpaste. This removes the yellowness of your teeth.

Coconut oil
This process is called oil pulling. Oil pulling can easily remove the dirt stuck in the corners of your teeth. To do oil pulling, you put coconut oil in your mouth. Then you rinse it by moving it from here to there in the mouth. By doing this in the morning and evening, the yellowness of your teeth goes away.