Like skin, hair is affected by cold. Excessive use of hot water during this season makes hair dry and lifeless

Like skin, hair is affected by cold. Excessive use of hot water during this season makes the hair dry and lifeless and starts to break. The process of hair loss is so fast that sometimes there is a fear that not all the hair will fall out.

If you also suffer from hair breakage then use onion oil in your hair. Onions work to strengthen hair roots. If you apply onion oil, hair growth will automatically improve and hair loss will be less. So let us know how onion oil is beneficial to prevent hair loss, as well as how to increase hair growth, how to prepare it at home.

Benefits of Onion Oil

Onion juice helps to increase blood flow to the scalp, its use nourishes the hair. The hair that comes out after applying it is healthy. Onions are rich in antioxidant properties, which protect them from hair damage caused by free radicals. This oil protects against hair loss due to sunlight and aging.

Onion oil will conditioner up to the hair roots and bring dry hair to life. Using this oil will strengthen the hair to the roots, as well as get rid of dandruff.

Onion oil recipe

- To make onion oil, first put the onion in the mixer and squeeze the juice. After extracting the onion juice, pour the coconut oil in a pan and add the onion juice to the oil.

- After adding the juice to the pan, mix it well. Once the juice cools, strain it and set aside. Applying onion oil for 6 months will increase the growth of your hair and also give shine to the hair.