Honey For Diabetic Patients: Sugar is no less than an enemy for diabetic patients. Because of this, most diabetes patients turn to honey and jaggery. But are these things really good for your health? Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Diabetes patients should take care of their diet and physical activity to stay healthy. According to health experts, our food is divided into carbs, fat and protein.

Diabetes patients should not take carbohydrates in their diet. However, we try to find out whether honey can be a better option for diabetes patients instead of sugar.

How beneficial is sugar in diabetes?
The amount of fructose is also high in honey, which is a kind of sugar. Carbohydrates are found more in honey than in 1 teaspoon of sugar. But less glycemic is found in comparison to sugar in the city. That's why honey can be used for sweetness. According to the data, using honey in moderation can improve cholesterol levels. Since it is rich in antioxidants, it can be helpful for people with diabetes. However, to use honey instead of sugar, extensive research is needed.

Eat less honey
Health experts also say that in diabetes, it is important to keep in mind how much you eat and what things you include in the diet. But there is no accurate data regarding the use of honey in diabetes, till then it is best to use it in small quantities.

How to control diabetes
Exercise: On the advice of the doctor, light exercises can be included in your daily routine every morning. Some yogasanas will also help you manage diabetes.

Healthy Diet: Breakfast is very important for a high blood sugar patient. You can ask your doctor about a healthy breakfast diet to be eaten for diabetes.