Millions of people die every year around the world due to chronic diseases. A recent study published in The Lancet Journal has made a big revelation regarding this. Researchers said, Covid-19 has been the second leading cause of death globally in the year 2021. There were 94 deaths per 100,000 population and a reduction in life expectancy of 1.6 years. Most deaths were reported due to ischemic heart disease and stroke.

Experts said, the Corona epidemic has had a negative impact on overall health in many ways and in 2021, the effect of its most dangerous strain Delta was seen across the world.

Researchers said, for more than three decades, there was a significant improvement in the life expectancy and mortality rate of people, however due to Covid-19, there was a big change in this once again. There was once again a decline in people's life expectancy due to Corona. Life expectancy means the average number of additional years a person is expected to live at a given age.

The most decisive global health event in history
Health experts said, the Corona epidemic has emerged as one of the most decisive global health events in recent history. This has been a serious health risk whose impact has been seen on the health of people of almost all ages.

In previous years, most deaths worldwide were due to ischemic heart disease and stroke. The problem of reduced blood flow due to clotting or shrinking of blood vessels causes heart disease and stroke.

Death toll increased due to Corona
The study report said, compared to 2019, there was an increase of 10.8 percent in the number of deaths worldwide in 2020. Whereas compared to 2020, this growth rate was 7.5 percent.

Health experts said, due to the Corona epidemic, a large number of people were admitted to hospitals, serious health problems were seen in many people. Apart from this, no specific vaccine or treatment method was available to protect against corona during this period, this is the reason why more cases of death were reported in the year 2021 compared to the last few years.

What do experts say?
Dr. Lian Ong, principal research scientist at the Institute of Health Matrix and Evolution and study author, says, our study presents a picture of the world's health. On one hand, we are seeing remarkable achievements of many countries in preventing deaths due to diarrhea and stroke, while on the other hand we are seeing how much the COVID-19 pandemic has set us back.

The authors found that the regions that saw the greatest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic were Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as countries in sub-Saharan Africa, which experienced the greatest decline in life expectancy.

Improvement in cases of death from these diseases
Health experts said- Amidst all this, the study shows that there has been a lot of improvement in deaths due to intestinal diseases. These improvements led to an increase of 1.1 years in life expectancy worldwide between 1990 and 2021. Apart from this, a decrease has also been recorded in deaths due to lower respiratory infections.

There have also been comparable improvements in preventing deaths from other causes, including stroke, neonatal disorders, ischemic heart disease and cancer. However, the improvements made in three decades have once again been greatly affected due to the Corona epidemic.