Oil massage has been a tradition for centuries. You must have seen, whenever a small guest comes to the house, he is massaged several times a day. Massaging has a soothing effect on the body. It improves blood circulation and helps in the development of the baby.
Apart from this, massaging helps the baby gain weight, relieve pain, reduce the chances of jaundice, and improve mental development. Apart from this, it also helps the little one to feel relaxed and sleep well.
It is recommended to do a massage a few weeks after the birth of the newborn. But, choosing the right oil is very important while massaging a newborn baby. Not all oils are beneficial for a baby's skin. So today we are telling you about such oil, which you can easily make at home with the help of natural ingredients. These oils help strengthen your baby's skin and act as a natural moisturizer, and development aid.
How to make massage oil
- First, take out the coconut pulp.
- Then cut it into small pieces and grate it.
- After this, put the pulp in a cloth and squeeze it well, so that all the milk comes out properly.
- After this, cook this milk in any copper or aluminium vessel on low flame for 2 to 3 hours.
- Keep stirring it continuously so that the milk does not stick to the sides.
- As soon as the colour of the milk starts turning brown, remove it from the gas and filter it with the help of a cloth.
- After filtering it again with a cloth, you will get coconut oil.
- Massage the baby with this oil.
Benefits of oil
- Good for dry skin.
- Best for massaging newborn babies and mothers.
- Nourishes and strengthens the muscles.
- Protects baby from rashes and skin infections.
- Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties, which protect the skin. These help in removing dryness.
Benefits of oil massage
- Massage strengthens the bones of the baby and helps in their good growth.
- Oil massage protects the delicate skin of the baby.
- The oils used for massage are rich in nutrients, which also hydrate the skin.
- Massage relaxes the baby's muscles, which is a great way to calm the baby. This also helps them sleep well.
- Small amounts of the fat in the oil can also be absorbed by your baby's skin.
- Moderate strokes of the massage generate heat and promote blood circulation to every part of the body.
- Baby massage improves digestion and gives relief from constipation, gas etc.
Do you know that massaging the baby also benefits the new mother? It can also help combat postpartum depression or baby blues, as massaging releases the happy hormone oxytocin. Apart from this, it also helps in improving the bonding between the mother and her baby.
Avoid massaging immediately after feeding or when they are about to nap.
You also massage your baby with this homemade oil for good growth.
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