Everyone wants to have clean and glowing skin because glowing skin attracts everyone. But unfortunately, due to exposure to dust, pollution, bad eating habits and harmful rays of the sun, the skin turns black. The skin becomes rough and filled with acne. Due to this, sometimes self-confidence also decreases. Often, women resort to beauty treatments to deal with these problems.

But it also has a lot of side effects. In such a situation, you can make your face spotless and glowing with the help of some home remedies. Today, we are telling you about such remedies. To clean your face, you can prepare a homemade drink with the help of some things kept at home. Dietician Mahima Sethia also recommends taking it.

Ingredients to make a drink for flawless skin

  • Cucumber- 1
  • Ginger – one small piece
  • Mint leaves – 8 to 10
  • Chia seeds- 1 teaspoon

Make drinks like this

  • First of all, wash the cucumber and cut it into slices without peeling it.
  • Now cut the ginger into small pieces.
  • Break the mint leaves and clean them.
  • Keep the chia seeds soaked in a bowl.
  • Put all these ingredients in a grinder and grind them.
  • Now take them out in a glass and consume them.

Drink this cucumber and mint drink for a flawless glow

Cucumber has high water content. This is a great source of hydration. This provides moisture to the skin. Ginger maintains skin elasticity by slowing down collagen breakdown. Chia seeds increase skin elasticity. Due to its deficiency, wrinkles start appearing. Anti-bacterial properties are found in mint leaves which help in fighting acne.

Image Credit- Freepik


Your skin and body are as unique as you are. We endeavour to bring you accurate, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip, you must consult your doctor.