It has been believed for centuries that when a member of the family goes out of the house, the broom should not be used immediately. Let us know about its reasons in detail.

Many rules have been given for the broom in our scriptures. Don't know how many things are mentioned in our religious scriptures from the right place of keeping the broom in the house to not sweeping in the evening and we have been following them for centuries.

If we talk about these rules, then probably you must have heard many times from the elders of the house that if one goes out of the house, then the broom should not be used immediately. Whatever may be the reason, we have been following this for centuries. Actually, what could be the astrological reasons for this to know in detail we spoke to Shastri Vinod SoniPoddarji. Let's know from them about the reasons behind this.

Broom is considered a symbol of purity

Broom is considered a sacred object. In many cultures, the broom is seen as a symbol of purity and cleanliness. It is often used in religious rituals. It is believed that using a broom when one goes out of the house can be tantamount to insulting the deities or demigods.

A broom planted in this way takes away the good fortune of the house. It is believed that a person going out of the house takes good luck with him so that he gets success and sweeping the house as soon as he goes out also removes the remaining good luck from the house.

Broom related to death

According to religious scriptures, the broom is also related to death. It is believed that after the dead body of the deceased comes out of the house, it is considered mandatory to sweep the house for purification. For this reason, if a broom is used as soon as a living person leaves the house, then misfortune can come in the life of the person coming out.

Sweeping as soon as someone goes out is like an offering to him

Shastri Vinod SoniPoddarji tells that if we talk about religious scriptures, if anyone goes out of the house and we use a broom as soon as he goes out, then it is considered as tarpan of that person.

This indicates that we are inviting bad luck for that person. It means that some bad incidents may also happen in the coming time. It is believed that when someone dies in the house and his dead body is taken out of the house, then it is necessary to apply a broom.

This is how you can clean the house when someone goes out

If you believe in the scriptures, instead of using the broom as soon as any member goes out of the house, you should rest for some time and clean the house only after eating something or drinking water.

What does science say

If we talk about the scientific reasons for this, then there is no science behind it, but it is probably said because in ancient times, whenever someone used to go out of the house, in his absence, something like this was swept out of the house with a broom. Don't let what is necessary go away.

That's why it was advised not to sweep, apart from this, when the daughter was sent away from home, then her family members used to get upset, in such a situation, this rule was made only so that the daughter's mother gets some rest and she feels normal. Although according to science there is no concrete reason for this.

If you believe the scriptures, there can be many reasons for this, but there is no scientific reason for it. However, even today many people consider it appropriate to respect and follow the traditions of their culture or religion and avoid using a broom as soon as a member goes out of the house.
