You must have also heard about cholesterol and the health problems caused by it. High cholesterol is considered to be the biggest cause of heart disease. But do you know that cholesterol is also essential for our body? Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in our blood, is considered essential for the formation of healthy cells. However, some conditions like disturbances in lifestyle and diet can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, which can be dangerous.

Due to an increase in cholesterol level, it starts accumulating in your blood vessels, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Health experts say that all people should maintain their diet and routine in such a way that keeps cholesterol levels under control. Apart from this, it is advised to keep regular checkups and pay serious attention to its symptoms. Let us know what kind of symptoms can be seen in the body in case of increased cholesterol.

What are the signs of high cholesterol?
Health experts say that in case of increased cholesterol, no obvious symptoms are seen in the beginning, but if it is not treated then there can be a risk of serious problems. To detect the problem of high cholesterol, testing is necessary.

Health experts say that problems in some parts of the body can also be a sign of increased cholesterol, which should be taken seriously. Let us know about some such situations.

These types of problems occur in the ears
Do you know that based on some problems occurring in the ears, you can find out whether the amount of cholesterol in your blood is increasing? Researchers have found that high cholesterol or triglyceride levels in the bloodstream can cause problems with your ears, causing tinnitus, hearing loss, or dizziness in many people. If you also have such problems then pay serious attention to it.

These symptoms occur in the eyes
Health experts say that the problem of high cholesterol can affect your eyes as well as your ears. Most people with high cholesterol have been seen to develop the problem of xanthelasma. Xanthelasma are flat or somewhat raised yellow areas around the eyes or near the nose. Although it does not affect your vision, the problem of cholesterol can be detected by paying attention to such symptoms.

Keep cholesterol under control
Health experts say that all people should make continuous efforts to keep cholesterol under control. For this, some changes in diet and lifestyle can be beneficial. The most important thing is that you reduce the intake of foods containing saturated fats. It is found mainly in red meat and full-fat dairy products. Excessive consumption of trans fat can also increase your problems.

To keep cholesterol under control, increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber in the diet. Including regular exercise in your daily routine is also considered beneficial for you.

(PC: freepik)