Indian Railways has a huge network spread across the country. It is counted among the largest rail networks in the world. Every day crores of passengers travel in it. Indian Railways has made many rules keeping in mind the convenience of the passengers. Apart from this, how can passengers be given a great experience during the journey? Regarding this, many types of arrangements have also been made by Indian Railways in trains. However, before traveling on a train, it is necessary to buy a ticket. If you are caught traveling on a train without a ticket, then a fine can be charged to you. On the other hand, it is often seen that when it is late, many people board the train without a ticket. In this episode, let us know how much fine can be charged to you for traveling on a train without a ticket.

Under the rules of Indian Railways, if you are caught traveling in a train without a ticket. In this situation, a fine of Rs 250 will be charged to you and the full fare for the place where you have to go.

After taking it, if there is a vacant seat somewhere on the train, then the TTE can also give you a seat in this situation. The TTE has a special kind of hand machine, with the help of which he gives train tickets.

According to the rules of Indian Railways, you can also travel on the train with a platform ticket. However, after boarding the train with a platform ticket, you will have to immediately contact the TTE and get your ticket made.

The platform ticket is proof of which station you boarded the train from. You can book platform tickets online with the help of the UTS app. The process of booking a platform ticket with the UTS app is quite easy. You will not have to face any kind of problems with this.