This is the fear of every man who travels a long way. If I am going to visit a new place, I try to travel while looking the whole way. However, this does not happen at all. Not only I, but many people fall asleep while travelling long distances. Have you ever wondered why this happens? It is also a matter that we may not do anything while travelling, but the body gets tired.

This pattern is common in that people are upbeat and energetic at the beginning of their journey, but gradually start feeling sleepy and tired.

Many times, when nothing happens, we fall asleep due to boredom. Have you ever wondered why this happens? There is a reason behind this as well and what it is, let us tell you in this article.

Excitement causes sleep

The reason for the sleep we get during travel is the excitement of the night before. People often get very excited about the next day's journey due to which they do not get enough sleep. People fall asleep during the journey to overcome the fatigue of the day before.

Due to the circadian rhythm

Our body is programmed in such a way that we sleep at night and stay awake during the day. This cycle is regulated by our internal body clock or circadian rhythm. So if you are travelling at night, 100% you will get fast sleep.

Due to white noise

If we are travelling by car, then the reason for falling asleep is the sound of the engine. The engine of the car hums continuously. Due to the continuous running of the vehicle and this noise, the mind comes to a state of rest. Scientists call it white noise. Because of this, we sleep very well while travelling. Many parents use white noise to put their children to sleep.

Out of boredom

Boredom is also a major reason for sleeplessness. When travelling a long way, we have nothing to do but gaze at the sights passing by. You start getting tired even after looking at the phone the whole time. During this, our mind feels the same as it does while lying on the bed. This is the reason why we fall asleep after some time.

Causes of motion sickness

Look, falling asleep while travelling is a common thing, but if you or any of your friends fall asleep even after a 10-15 minute ride, it means they have motion sickness. Motion sickness is a feeling of being sick brought on by movement. Such people feel like dizziness or vomit during travel. This is the reason why they fall asleep as soon as the journey starts.

However, it is not that everyone sleeps during travel. Some people need more sleep. Some people easily cover the whole journey awake and after that, they do not even feel tired.

Image Credit: Freepik


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