Due to the messed up lifestyle and strange food habits of the present era, many people are falling prey to high blood pressure ie hypertension. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.3 billion people are in the grip of this disease. Generally, eating more oily and sweet food increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, and then due to blockage, there is difficulty in the blood reaching the heart. In such a situation, there is a lot of stress on the nerves, due to which the BP increases. This further creates the risk of a heart attack. In such a situation, you have to take the help of a special fruit.

Use the bark of the Arjun fruit tree
According to the medical standard, the normal blood pressure of a healthy adult should be 120/80, but if this level increases, then the bark of the Arjuna fruit tree can be very useful for you.

Arjun's bark is very beneficial
Arjuna's bark is considered a treasure of Ayurveda, through it medicine for high blood pressure is made. If you consume this bark, then the risk of heart attack, coronary artery disease, and triple vessel disease will be reduced to a great extent. The triglycerides present in it reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and then we are protected from heart attack. It can also be used to reduce blood sugar levels.

Use Arjun tree bark like this
For this, first, cut small pieces of Arjuna's bark and grind it finely in a mixer grinder and then mix it with milk or water and drink it. Keep in mind that milk or water should be lukewarm. If you want, you can also prepare its decoction. By doing this the blood pressure will gradually become normal.