Many people start falling ill as soon as the weather changes. Although this is a common problem, but sometimes it takes a serious turn. Change in weather is a gift of nature. But many people are unable to bear this change and fall ill. A few days ago, we were all struggling with the scorching heat and now with the arrival of monsoon, we are facing sometimes cold and sometimes heat and humidity. This hurts our health, especially on children and the elderly. At the same time, being careless mainly causes colds, coughs, fevers, stomach aches, and skin allergies in every season. In such a situation, to avoid diseases, you have to be prepared in advance, so that you can enjoy the weather to the fullest.

Know the reason
If you are getting sick as soon as the weather changes or this is happening with any other member of the family, then it means that your immune system is weak. Due to this weak immune system, external infections are repeatedly attacking your body, due to which you fall ill as soon as there is a slight change in the environment. A weak immune system can increase the risk of flu, infection, and dehydration in your body.

Prevention of infection
When the weather changes, the risk of infection increases the most. Now that the monsoon has arrived, the risk of bacterial infection, fungal infection, protozoa diseases, such as bronchitis, typhoid or flu, and malaria can also increase. Therefore, in case of any kind of bacterial infection, definitely consult a doctor.

Take care of cleanliness
Whatever the season, cleanliness is always important. In the rainy season, the root of most diseases is dirt, because at this time dirt and mud is spread all around. Therefore, it is important to keep your surroundings clean. Do not forget to wash your hands before and after eating anything. Do not let water accumulate around the house. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Use insecticides for cleaning the house and do not let mosquitoes breed.

Nutritious diet

Adopt a good diet to strengthen your immunity. Do not eat stale food, avoid fried food, eat two fresh fruits a day, and consume more green vegetables and pulses. Keep yourself hydrated. Do not think that summer is over now. If possible, drink milk with turmeric once a day or drink boiled water. This strengthens immunity and keeps you away from diseases.

Turmeric, basil, and ginger in food

Dr. Avinash Kumar, Senior Physician, at Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital, Delhi, says that changing weather affects children and the elderly the most, so it is important to take special care of them. In this season, iron your clothes before wearing them. By doing this, the germs on the clothes are destroyed. Also, avoid eating too cold food, avoid eating outside food, and consume more liquids, so that the body remains hydrated and focuses on strengthening immunity. During the rainy season, use turmeric, basil, and ginger in your food. These act as antibiotics and keep the immune system healthy. Wear a mask when going out and rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water twice a day. By doing this, your oral health remains good, which reduces the risk of infection.