Not maintaining oral hygiene not only damages the teeth and gums but also increases the risk of lung infection. It is not us but our experts have told us this. We have spoken to our experts on this matter.

Our expert DrGhanshyam Agarwal who works in NMCH, Patna has told us some special things related to oral hygiene. DrGhanshyam Agarwal is working at NMCH for almost 10 years. He is a dentist, so he has told us many things about oral hygiene. In such a situation, if you also make these mistakes, then start paying attention to them from now on.

It is very important to brush properly

According to doctors, if you do not brush properly then you can get many diseases. In such a situation, you are also at risk of getting a lung infection. Lakhs of people get a lung infection every year due to not brushing properly. In such a situation, you have to take care of some things.

How often to brush

Explain that many people brush only once. Although you should not do this. According to doctors, we all should adopt the right brushing formula. In such a situation, you can protect yourself from many diseases to a great extent. Brushing about 3 times a day is very important. In India, it is a practice to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up in the morning. Also, some people brush at night as well. However, the number of people brushing at night is still very less.

Lung infection can be caused by food particles being trapped

Let us tell you that due to food particles getting stuck in the teeth, bacteria start growing. In such a situation, you do not even know when this bacteria reaches your lungs. These bacteria also make cavities by producing acid. In such a situation, if you want to avoid these diseases, then you should start taking precautions now.

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