Who Should Not Eat Beetroot: There is no doubt that beetroot is very beneficial for our health, because many important nutrients are found in it, and it has a positive effect on our body. Vitamin C, folate, protein, and fiber are found in beetroot, so most health experts recommend eating it. This thing that grows in the ground is consumed in the form of direct, advice, juice, and vegetable. It is delicious to eat, so people of all ages like it, but we should also consider that no matter how beneficial beetroot is for the body, everyone should not eat it in excess because This can harm him.

People with these medical conditions should not eat beetroot

Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told ZEE NEWS that if you have any specific physical problem, avoid consuming beetroot.

1. Iron overload in the body

Some people have too much iron in their body, this medical condition is called hemochromatosis or iron overload. Such people should eat beetroot at least because it will increase the iron content in the body even more, and it can cause many other problems.

2. Kidney Stone

A person who has kidney stone problem has to face a lot of pain, this problem is of two types, first calcium-based and second oxalate based. If a person has a problem with oxalate-based kidney stones, he should stay away from beetroot.

3. Change in Urine Colour:

You must have often noticed that some people like to eat beetroot or drink its juice, but if you consume this thing excessively, then surely your urine will change. The color will change and it will become red or pink. These can be signs of disturbances in the body, in which case you should reduce the consumption of beetroot.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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