Nowadays, people follow different types of diets to keep themselves fit. One of these is intermittent fasting, which has become very popular in the last few years. Especially for those who want to lose weight healthily, intermittent fasting is a good idea. Intermittent fasting not only improves your insulin sensitivity but also has a positive effect on heart health.

Many people do intermittent fasting, but it is seen that they have trouble following it. During the fasting period, they feel hungry or have cravings to eat different types of food. Due to this intermittent fasting becomes difficult to follow. So, today in this article we are telling you about some such tips, by following which you can make intermittent fasting easier-

Follow the 12:12 rule

Generally, it is seen that while doing intermittent fasting, people keep the window period very short and the fasting period is longer. Due to this, it becomes difficult for them to do intermittent fasting. Therefore, if you are a beginner then you should adopt the 12:12 rule. With this, you fast for 12 hours and have a window period of 12 hours. As you gradually become comfortable, you can increase your fasting period.

Plan a meal

Cravings often occur during intermittent fasting because we do not plan our meals. In such a situation we eat anything. Here you should understand that the window period does not mean that you start eating anything anytime. You will not get any benefit from this. Therefore, plan your meals every day to make intermittent fasting easier.

Adjust as per the schedule

Every person's work and schedule are quite different. In such a situation, you cannot stick to any one rule. Therefore, try to adjust intermittent fasting according to your schedule. Choose a window that works best for your lifestyle. When you adjust intermittent fasting according to your work schedule and eating habits, it becomes much easier to follow.

Your food should be protein and fibre-rich

If you feel hungry again and again during intermittent fasting, then the way to balance it is to increase the protein intake in your diet. It helps stabilize blood sugar and balance hunger hormones, making fasting periods easier to manage. At the same time, fibre foods help prevent sugar cravings. Fibre also helps nourish the good bacteria in your gut.

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