There are many health benefits of listening to music. Looking at its benefits, every year 21 June i.e. 'World Music Day'; is celebrated. World Music Day is celebrated to promote music among young artists. Celebrating this day started in the year 1982. The event was hosted by French Minister of Culture Jacques Long. Many concerts are organized on this day in the country and the world. Several music day events are held in France every year on this day. According to research, music works like therapy. There are many health benefits to listening to it. So let's know about them...

Good memory
Listening to music improves memory. According to research, people who listen to classical music have better memory than others.

Lowers the risk of mental illness
According to neurological research, listening to songs brings about many changes in the brain. Listening to songs releases neurochemicals in our brains, which are very beneficial for brain function and mental illness.

Heart stays healthy
Whenever you listen to music, you enjoy it a lot. After which people often start dancing. This has a huge impact on your heart health. Listening to songs also helps in controlling the rate of breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Depression will reduce
According to a 2017 study, music can reduce the risk of depression to some extent. This research was done on classical and jazz music.

Good night
According to health experts, if you listen to music after a good night's sleep, then you will get a good night's sleep. Your mind feels very relaxed after listening to the songs. While listening to songs, keep in mind that the music should not make you too emotional or too loud.

Good mood
Your mood is very good after listening to the songs. Listening to music increases the brain's hormone dopamine, which helps relieve anxiety and stress. Also, your favorite music helps to improve your mood.