High Blood Pressure Symptoms: The problem of high BP is becoming common in today's time. Let us tell you that people are falling prey to this problem due to bad lifestyles and bad food. High BP is a serious disease and negligence in this situation can be fatal. At the same time, due to high BP, you may also have problems related to heart attack and kidney. Come, we will tell you here what the body indicates when there is high BP.

These symptoms are seen when there is high blood pressure-

Frequent urination-

If you are having trouble with frequent urination, do not ignore it because doing so can be fatal. Therefore, if you have a problem with frequent urination for a long time, then see a doctor.

Redness of the eyes-

When high blood pressure starts, your eyes start turning red. Due to the increase in blood pressure in the body, there is more in the arteries, due to which there is a serious effect on the eyes. That's why if you are facing any problem in your eyes then you should also check your BP.

Severe headache-

You may have to face the problem of severe headaches due to high blood pressure. The headache caused by this is very dangerous. Please tell me that most of the high BP patients have this type of problem in the morning. So do not ignore it when this happens.

Blurred vision-

Eyes are affected when there is a problem of high BP in the body. Because of this, the blood vessels of your eyes get damaged. In such a situation, you start seeing blurred. So if you see a blur then do not ignore it.


In the problem of high BP, a person starts having the problem of vomiting and nausea. So if you have such a problem, do not ignore it.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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