Excessive Garlic Eating: No doubt eating garlic provides many benefits to our body, but excessive consumption can prove to be harmful.

Excessive Use Of Garlic: Garlic is such a spice that is used a lot in Indian kitchens, if it is mixed in the recipes, then there is a tremendous increase in taste, as well as it is very beneficial for our health, although some people use it fast. Do not like to eat it because of the smell. Garlic contains many nutrients including vitamin B1, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Despite so many benefits, garlic has some disadvantages as well, so it should be eaten in limited quantities.

Why shouldn't garlic be eaten in excess?

Dr. Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told ZEE NEWS that although garlic is considered a treasure of Ayurveda if consumed in excess, some losses may have to be incurred. Let us know why it is necessary to be careful while consuming garlic.

Bad breath:

The effect of garlic is hot, so people chew its buds in diseases related to cold, but some people start eating it excessively, due to which there is a strong smell, which makes the people around There is trouble, so consume it in limited quantity only.

Low blood pressure

People who have low blood pressure should avoid garlic because it can cause low BP ie hypotension, which causes weakness and fatigue in the body. So be a little cautious.


If you eat garlic over the prescribed quantity, then there can be a problem of heartburn. Garlic contains acidic compounds, so if it is consumed excessively, there is a risk of severe burning sensation in the chest. Sometimes it becomes out of tolerance, so caution is necessary.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Before adopting it, do take expert advice. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.)

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