Side effects of amla: Amla is a nutritious fruit that offers many health benefits. It contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients that may help boost immunity, strengthen bones, and keep skin healthy. Many types of compounds are found in Amla. Amla is acidic and contains high amounts of sodium and potassium, due to which it can be harmful for some people.

Today in this story we will talk about which people amla can harm. Doctors also forbid such people from eating Amla. Let us know which people should not eat Amla and why.

Acidity sufferers

Amla is high in Vitamin C, which can increase acid production. If you are suffering from acidity, then the consumption of amla should be limited.

kidney disease

Anyone suffering from kidney disease should not eat Amla at all. If kidney patients consume Amla, then the level of sodium in the body increases and its functions are affected.

Blood Sugar

Amla can reduce the blood sugar level for those suffering from low blood sugar. If you are suffering from low blood sugar, then Amla should not be consumed. Apart from this, those who take anti-diabetic medicines should also avoid eating Amla.

Pregnant or lactating women

Pregnant or lactating women should talk to their doctor before consuming amla. If she does this, her stomach may get upset. Apart from this, pregnant women can also be troubled by problems like dehydration.

Those who are about to undergo surgery

Those who are about to undergo surgery shortly, should not eat gooseberry. Eating this can increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, doctors advise that Amla should not be consumed at least 2 weeks before surgery.

Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news of ours. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then before adopting it, definitely take the advice of a doctor.

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