During pregnancy, women should take special care of their diet. At this time, the food and drink of women affect their health and that of the child to be born. For this reason, it is advised to include some special things in the pregnancy diet. At the same time, many things should also be avoided at this time. Apart from this, staying away from stress, getting full sleep, etc. are many such things, which should be taken care of during pregnancy. Pregnant women are often confused about food and drink. Here we are telling you about some such things which should not be eaten during pregnancy. Dietitian Radhika Goyal is giving information about this. Radhika is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

What should not be eaten during pregnancy?

  • Eating raw or uncooked eggs should be avoided during pregnancy. There is a risk of the presence of bacteria called salmonella in it.
  • Pregnant women should also avoid eating Ajinomoto. Due to the elements present in it, the amount of sodium in the body increases, due to which there is a risk of increasing BP.

  • Along with this, alcohol should not be consumed at all during pregnancy. This can hurt the development of the child.
  • Unpasteurized dairy products should also be avoided during this time. Pasteurizing kills all the bacteria present in dairy products. On the other hand, unpasteurized dairy products are at risk of harmful bacteria.
  • Although it is good to eat fruits during pregnancy. But you should not eat pineapple and papaya. Eating papaya can generate heat in the body. It also contains latex, which can cause uterine contractions.

  • Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which can soften the cervix.
  • During this period, women should also limit their caffeine intake. Excessive amounts of caffeine can affect the heart rate and growth of the child.
  • During pregnancy, fennel and fenugreek should be used only in small quantities.
  • Apart from this, one should also avoid raw sprouts, meat, fish and seafood. It contains bacteria.

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