Weight Gain in 40-50 Increase Chances of Dying Early: 40 years of age is the age when a person starts coming out of the hangover of youth and the family of many starts getting bigger. After getting married, a person starts eating and drinking carelessly and has to bear the brunt of this in the form of unnecessary fat on the body. You must have often seen that after 40 years, most people start carrying the burden of extra fat on their bodies, and belly fat starts coming out. If this is the case with you too, then it is time to take care immediately because, in the latest study, it has been revealed that people who gain more weight between 40 to 50 years are more at risk of getting many diseases and in this Due to this, the risk of premature death increases by one third in them.

No symptoms of the disease

The news of DailyMail quoted the study as saying that in people who are obese as well a partial increase in blood fat, cholesterol, or blood sugar around this age, the risk of premature death of such people is 30. The percentage gets higher. Experts say that the presence of such unhealthy diseases in the body always increases the risk of heart attack or stroke till the age of 30 years. It is a matter of concern that between 40 and 50, no symptoms of such diseases are visible in the body. That's why people remain tension-free and they feel that despite being fat, they do not have any disease. But this is a big mistake of theirs because the time bomb of diseases has been fitted into their body, which is ready to carry out its work at a certain time.

More prone to cardiovascular disease

When the researchers examined people without symptoms, a surprising result came to the fore. Researchers observed that people whose weight had increased around 40, shortly after high blood pressure, cases of metabolic syndrome such as diabetes were greatly increased. Going forward, these people were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease. Researchers analyzed the data of 34 thousand people aged 40 to 50 years. Based on this analysis this result came out. Actually, between 1990 and 1999, their health data was collected. Height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, blood glucose, and waist and hip circumference were measured. Many questions related to lifestyle were also asked of them. When the data of these people was compared with the data of healthy people, it was found that 19 percent of those who had metabolic syndrome died prematurely compared to healthy people.

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