Common GYM Mistakes Some people start exercising more than the gym limit thinking that it will burn more calories and in this process, they knowingly or unknowingly make many mistakes that they should avoid. Learn how-

Common GYM Mistakes: People who stay fit do not miss their gym at any cost. Everyone, from young to old, is often seen sweating it out on a treadmill. Especially in winter when physical activity decreases and the amount of delicious dishes increases. In such a situation, it is necessary to exercise to stay healthy. On the other hand, some people start exercising excessively in the gym thinking that it will burn more calories and in this process, they knowingly or unknowingly make many mistakes, that they should avoid.

Avoid making these mistakes while gymming

Obsession with the treadmill

Running on a treadmill is a popular workout for all gymgoers. You will very easily see people who keep running on it for 40 to 50 minutes and just go away. Of course, cardio workouts help burn calories, but doing too much can be harmful to your health.

There is a limit to doing cardio like if you want to lose weight, it is always recommended to start with 20 minutes and then do some weight training and cool down with 10 minutes of treadmill walk. Doing all together puts your body into depletion mode, which results in building muscles. So run on the treadmill for a fixed time and according to your body.

Using machines only

Machine workouts are great to start with, but as you progress, it's best to shift to free weights like dumbbells and barbells. Because you rely on machines to lift heavy loads, you use less of your potential, which is essential for strength gains, and overuse of machines can hinder this. In addition, using a machine only trains one muscle at a time, while manual lifting can train two to three muscles at once, resulting in a higher calorie burn.

Lifting very light or heavy weights

There is only one benefit to lifting heavy weights and that is the increased chance of injury. Lightweight, on the other hand, maybe suitable mainly for warming up or for beginners to learn. It doesn't matter whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, you should always choose a weight that is 70% of your capacity. If you can complete 12 to 15 sets with that weight, that's the best indication that the weight is right for you.

Long rest break

It is a common misconception that rest periods between sets can be anywhere from two to five minutes. If you want to lose weight, you should do the exercise quickly and take no more than 30 seconds of rest. Similarly, if you want to build muscles, then you should not rest for more than two minutes. Beyond that, sometimes it's best to listen to your body and see how much rest it needs. But it is important to note that you should move on to the next workout before your heart rate returns to normal. However, every person's body structure is different, in such a situation, you should always take the expert with you.

Disclaimer: The advice and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as any professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.