Walking Benefits Daily: A recent study revealed that if a person walks for half an hour daily, it can have many health benefits. Today here we will tell you that walking how many steps daily can reduce the risk of death from you. You can keep yourself healthy and active by walking daily. Let us know the five big benefits of daily walking.

How many walks per day

It has been revealed from a study that the more you walk, the more it will be beneficial for you. For this, every person is advised to walk 500 to 1000 steps daily. If you do this walk daily, then the symptoms of any kind of heart-related disease or the risk of death can be reduced to a great extent.

Healthy for heart

Walking for an hour or half an hour daily increases the good cholesterol in your body. Morning time is best for walking. This reduces the bad cholesterol present in your body. Walking makes your heart healthy.


If you walk daily for about half an hour or an hour, then your blood pressure remains under control. Walking makes your high blood pressure normal. Walking can be very beneficial for BP patients.

Weight loss

People who are worried about weight loss and waste time by going to the gym can simply walk for an hour daily. Walking can reduce your weight to a great extent. Because walking burns calories.


Walking is very beneficial for sugar patients. If you are a diabetic patient, then you should walk for about 30 minutes daily. With this, you will also get a lot of relief from joint pain. Also, the muscles are strong.

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