Tea Side Effects: Winter season and starting the day with hot tea brings peace of mind. Many people like tea so much that they drink it in abundance in the morning, evening and afternoon. There are many benefits of tea, but if tea is consumed more than the limited quantity then it can also have disadvantages. Addiction to tea is no less than poison. Drinking too much tea directly affects health and one has to face many diseases. Today we will tell you about the disadvantages of drinking tea. Let us know.

Iron deficiency

Drinking too much tea reduces iron in the body. Actually, a substance called tannin found in tea sticks to the iron present in the body and gradually reduces it. People suffering from anemia should avoid consuming too much tea.

Fatigue- restlessness

Drinking too much tea makes the body lazy. This is because tea contains caffeine which causes fatigue and restlessness.


Drinking too much tea can cause trouble in sleeping. People who do not sleep properly should consume more tea.

Stomach related diseases

Drinking too much tea can lead to stomach related diseases. Often people have to face the problem of acidity and gas due to drinking tea.


Drinking tea can cause dehydration. The caffeine present in tea absorbs water from the body, which can reduce the water level.

Blood pressure

Blood pressure patients should avoid drinking too much tea. Consuming too much tea can increase blood pressure levels.

Disclaimer: This article is based on general information. Kalamtimes does not confirm this.

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