Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest in Men and Women: Cardiac arrest is a sudden physical event in which the heart stops pumping due to which blood stops reaching the brain, lungs, and other essential organs. In this situation, the heart stops working completely and breathing stops. It is equivalent to death in a way. If the doctor does not find a solution within a few minutes, the patient's death is certain. Cardiac arrest is different from a heart attack. Heart attack is a disease related to blood flow while cardiac arrest is an electrical problem. That's why cardiac arrest is more fatal. Sudden symptoms appear in cardiac arrest. Usually, people suddenly become unconscious in cardiac arrest. However, a new study has revealed that men and women have different symptoms of cardiac arrest. This is a completely new thing. With this study, millions of people can be saved from death due to cardiac arrest.

Shortness of breath in women

According to the Global Diabetes Community, a recent study says that when a woman has a cardiac arrest, her breathing starts to stop or shortness of breath, but when a man is about to have a cardiac arrest, he has chest pain. In the study, it was said that on the arrival of cardiac arrest, the heartbeat becomes faster in both men and women and there is also panic at the same speed. Along with this, the symptoms of flu also suddenly start troubling and fainting also happens before cardiac arrest. Every year lakhs of people die due to cardiac arrest. Only in America, 4.5 lakh people die every year due to cardiac arrest. In this, suddenly the heart stops pumping blood. If there is a cardiac arrest at home, 90 percent of them die.

Symptomatic need for immediate intervention

Different symptoms of cardiac arrest in men and women are important because now based on these symptoms, immediate intervention will be given to the patients suffering from cardiac arrest based on symptoms. Researchers hope that after this finding, people will recognize cardiac arrest sooner than before and will be able to go to the doctor immediately. Lead researcher Dr. Sumeet Chugh said that our study is important in the sense that now people will not delay in recognizing the symptoms of cardiac arrest and will reach the hospital in time when the symptoms of cardiac arrest appear. With this, deaths due to cardiac arrest can be greatly reduced. Earlier studies were also analyzed in this study. After this, the symptoms of cardiac arrest were presented. For the study, more than 800 people aged between 18 to 85 years were included in the trial.

Understand the difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest

Half of the people involved in this study had symptoms of cardiac arrest a day before. According to the study, chest pain and excessive sweating start before cardiac arrest in men. At the same time, before cardiac arrest, women start feeling breathless and have difficulty breathing. It was said in the study that women feel only breathing problems before cardiac arrest. As soon as cardiac arrest occurs, the supply of oxygen to the brain, lungs, and other vital organs stops. Generally, people understand cardiac arrest and heart attack as the same but there is a lot of difference between the two. A heart attack occurs when the supply of blood is not up to the heart. This happens because clots or some things start accumulating in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, which stops the flow of blood.