People often do different types of makeup on their faces to look beautiful. Perfect makeup enhances the beauty of the face. But, to maintain the health of the skin, it is also very important to remove makeup before sleeping every day. Regular make-up people resort to chemical products to remove it, due to which there are many side effects on the skin. In this case, you can also use natural things as a makeup remover. Using natural ingredients is considered a safe and easy way to remove makeup. Today in this episode we are going to tell you about those natural things only.

Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera is very beneficial for the skin. If you have a lot of spots on your face, then by using this you can remove such problems in a few weeks. You can also use aloe vera as a makeup remover. If you do not want to use market-bought makeup remover on the area around the eyes, you can easily remove makeup using aloe vera.

Cucumber juice
Fresh and chilled cucumber juice is perfect for removing makeup. Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial for acne and dull skin. Cucumber has high water content. This is a great makeup remover for oily skin

Olive oil
You can use olive oil to remove makeup. To make makeup remove it, take olive oil in a bowl, and mix an equal amount of coconut oil in it. If you want, you can also add baby shampoo to this mixture. Now mix this mixture well. You can also store it in a box.

Raw milk
Raw cold milk can also be used to remove makeup. For this, put some cotton balls in a small bowl and dip them in milk and with the help of this cotton ball, you can remove makeup products from the skin.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil is used for multipurpose. With its help, waterproof makeup can also be easily removed. For this, apply it while massaging on the face and leave it like this for a while. After this, try to remove the makeup with a cotton ball. This method is best for removing makeup.

Jojoba oil
Jojoba oil can also be used to make makeup removers. For this, take jojoba oil in a bowl, and add a capsule of Vitamin E to it. Mix this mixture well, if you want you can also store it. Using this will give moisture to your skin.

You can use honey and baking soda together as a makeup remover. This combination works as a great cleanser and exfoliator for your skin.

Apple vinegar
Apple vinegar can prove to be effective for removing makeup. Take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl, and add three teaspoons of water to it. You can use it to remove makeup. Wash the face with water after some time of applying it.