Superfood to Fight Against Fatigue: If the body becomes tired then one does not feel like doing any work. Due to excessive fatigue, the body starts feeling weak and there is a lot of difficulty in waking up in the morning. There is always pain in the hands and feet. My eyes start getting tired. Muscle pain starts happening. There is difficulty in concentrating on anything. Even depression and boredom occur due to fatigue. In this situation people become impatient. Although every person struggles with fatigue at one time or the other, some people feel more tired.

Due to fatigue

There are many reasons for fatigue. Wrong lifestyle, some diseases, some medicines, excessive use of alcohol, stress, jet lag, etc. But the biggest reason for fatigue is diet. If you do not have any disease or disorder then a poor diet or low nutrient diet is most responsible. When sufficient nutrients are not available in the body, it is bound to be weak. Therefore, if you are overwhelmed by fatigue, then include some superfoods in your diet. Due to this, fatigue and weakness will end very quickly.

These superfoods will drive away fatigue in a pinch

1. Protein-Rich Food- According to the Cleveland Clinic, increase the intake of protein-rich food to get rid of fatigue and weakness faster. According to the report, never forget breakfast. Take an adequate dose of protein in breakfast itself so that the body remains fresh throughout the day. For this, you can include some things like egg, chicken breast, oats, lentils, milk, soaked almonds, black beans, kidney beans, fish, green vegetables, guava, avocado, pistachios, green peas, buttermilk, pumpkin seeds, etc. daily. Include in breakfast.

2. Nuts and Seeds- The treasure of strength is hidden in almonds and seeds. Therefore, whenever there is weakness and fatigue in the body, eat almonds and seeds. Almonds and seeds will not only give you instant energy, but they will also reduce the feeling of hunger. For this, you can consume almond kernels, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

3. Water- Water is essential for our life. But water also provides instant energy to the body. This removes body fatigue immediately. Water is very important for the body to run smoothly. Although water does not contain any calories, it provides instant energy to the body. Because it activates the energy already present in the body. When you drink soda, coffee, or tea, drink water instead.

4. Banana- Banana is such a thing that is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Therefore, when fatigue and weakness become excessive, eat bananas immediately. The study even found that sportspersons who eat bananas before the game, their performance remains better than before. Apart from protein and carbohydrates, banana also contains elements like potassium, fiber, and vitamins which provide instant energy to the body.

5. Chia Seeds- Chia seeds are a powerhouse of energy. If you are troubled by fatigue and weakness for many days, then take some chia seeds in the morning for breakfast. Chia seeds are full of elements like healthy fat, dietary fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. Just two spoons of chia seeds contain 24 grams of carbohydrates and 4.8 grams of omega 3. That's why it is called the powerhouse of energy.

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