Gas Range Burner Flame: The problem of low fire on the gas stove burner cannot be ignored. This is because your food is not cooked on time due to the slow flame of the gas. So if you are facing this problem then You can follow some easy tips to fix your stove.

Increase the flame of gas in these ways-

1. Keep clean:

Keep the artery of the burner clean. Excess dirt may cause clogging of the burner's artery. Therefore, the artery of the burner should be kept clean regularly.

2. There should be no hollowness in the artery:

Do not let anything block the artery. The blockage reduces the amount of gas burning on the burner. Therefore, keep the artery clean regularly and do not leave any hollows in it.

3. Egg cleaning

If you cook eggs on the burner, then cleaning the eggs is very important. Excess dirt may cause clogging of the tips of the eggs.

4. Check the gas valve.

The problem of low fire can also be caused by a bad gas valve. Hence, check the gas valve regularly and get it repaired if it is faulty.

5. Review the regulator of the gas stove.

If there is any fault in the regulator of your gas stove, then due to that also there may be a low flame in the burner of your gas stove. So, get the regulator reviewed and repaired.

6. Check the gas cylinder -

Sometimes there is less gas in the gas cylinder due to which the flame starts decreasing. Therefore, check the available gas in the cylinder and fill it as per your requirement.

7- Check gas connection -

If your gas stove connection is not correct, then the flame may be less. So, keep checking the gas connection regularly.

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