Sugar-Free Fruits for Diabetes Patients: Sweet food is prohibited for diabetes patients. Their blood sugar becomes high as soon as he eats something sweet. But experts always recommend that diabetic patients should consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Despite this, some people remain confused about whether diabetic patients should avoid sweet fruits or not. The reason for the increase in blood sugar in diabetes is sugar i.e. carbohydrates. When you eat high-carbohydrate foods, blood sugar becomes high rapidly, but the amount of carbohydrates in most fruits is very less. That's why it is important to know which fruit has low carbohydrate content.

Which fruit has fewer carbohydrates

According to the Mayo Clinic, diabetic patients can eat any fruit, but it should be kept in mind that you choose a fruit that does not contain more than 15 grams of carbohydrates. For this, it has to be seen which fruit contains how much carbohydrate. For example, half of an apple contains 15 grams of carbohydrates. That's why more than half an apple should not be eaten in a day. At the same time, half a banana, a medium-sized orange, and a cup of blackberries contain 15 grams of carbohydrates. According to WebMD, fruits that are high in fiber and have a glycemic index of less than 55 benefit diabetes patients. The glycemic index of apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, dates, etc. is below 55. Therefore, these fruits can be consumed in limited quantities.

Diabetic patients can eat these fruits

1. Sweet potato - According to Medical News Today, sweet potato is very beneficial for diabetes patients. Sweet potato is also very sweet. GI ie the glycemic index of sweet potato is very low and the sugar present in it is released very slowly. Sweet potato contains a high amount of fiber which controls blood sugar.

2. Berries- Berries are full of antioxidants. It reduces oxidative stress. Diseases like diabetes and heart disease occur due to oxidative stress. Fruits like blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries have high levels of antioxidants. Along with this, it also contains elements like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and potassium which do not allow blood sugar to rise.

3. Citrus Fruits- Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, and grapefruit are very beneficial for diabetes patients. Carbohydrate is very less in it and fiber, minerals, and vitamins are in very high quantity. Along with this, it contains antioxidants that are antidiabetic.

4. Apple - It is said that if you want to avoid going to the doctor, then eat an apple daily. Apple is an amazing fruit in which many types of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are found. All this controls blood sugar. The amount of carbohydrates in apples is very less. That's why a small apple is beneficial for diabetes patients.

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