Today is world environment day All the countries around the world are celebrating Environment Day. There is a deep connection between humans and nature. Where there is nature, there is life and when this nature is harmed, life is also affected. Nature gives a lot for the healthy life of humans. In return, humans contaminate the environment and exploit nature. Due to this the environment and nature are getting destroyed over time. The environment can also become the reason for many natural disasters. To preserve and protect it, we celebrate Environment Day every year on the 5th of June. To make the life-giving earth livable, the factors of environmental pollution can be reduced by saving the life of trees and plants. Inspire others to do this work as well. In such a situation, on the occasion of World Environment Day, you can send messages to your friends, relatives, and acquaintances to encourage them to environmental protection.

Plant trees and save trees
In this lies our wisdom
Human life is in danger
Take responsibility for environmental protection.

World Environment Day
Today all intellectuals are worried
How do we save our environment
someone says to plant new trees
So someone says to save those who are there.

World environment day 2023
From global warming
Dangers abound
Protecting the environment
Can remove them.

World Environment Day
Let's make this earth livable
Let's all celebrate World Environment Day together.

(PC: Freepik)