How to live life healthy: Everyone wants that there should never be any disease in his life, always be happy and always be young. But can this happen? It is very difficult but according to the research, it is not impossible either. A healthy life can also be lived. There is no need for a lot of hard work and effort for a healthy life. Simple food, regular exercise, and abstinence from alcohol are some of the simple formulas for a healthy life. If this 8 simple formula is followed, then we can easily lead a healthy life. In recent studies, it has been revealed that for a healthy life, simple formulas like eating properly, sleeping properly, overcoming stress, and staying away from alcohol are enough. According to the study, if someone follows this formula, then he adds 20 extra years to his life. Let us know what are the 8 simple formulas of healthy life.

The simple formula of healthy life

1. Eat the right food in the right way.

2. Don't do cigarettes or any kind of smoking.

3. Have a sound sleep at night.

4. Exercise regularly.

5. Don't take stress. In case of stress, manage it properly with yoga and meditation.

6. Do not drink excessive alcohol.

7. Don't get used to any kind of drugs.

8. Maintain positive relations with society.

Study on 7 lakh people

In this research published on the website of the Global Diabetes Community, it has been claimed that this 8 formula of living life has been selected after a study done on 7 lakh people. This study was conducted between 2011 and 2019 on people between the ages of 40 and 99 years. During the study, the health details of these people were scrutinized and their routine was noted. The author of the study said, "Women and men who adopted these 8 formulas in their life, their life expectancy was 23.7 to 22.6 years higher than those who did not adopt these formulas." That is, these people lived an average of 20 years longer than those who did not follow the formula.

If you start even after 40 years, it will be beneficial.

The study also found that a healthy lifestyle not only prolongs life but is also important for social and personal prosperity. It has been said in the study that if you take these 8 sutras early in your life then it will be better, but if you start at the age of 40 or 50 or even from 60 years, then this sutra will keep your body and mind in your life. Will bring prosperity. According to the study, 30 to 45 percent of those who did not exercise, who were addicted to drugs or opium, or who used to smoke, died prematurely. On the other hand, for people who did not sleep properly or lived under stress, the risk of premature death was 20 percent more. Researchers said that this study shows that if you do not recover in the beginning, then even from the age of 40 you have a chance to recover. If you want to always be happy with your body and mind, then definitely follow these 8 formulas.

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