How To Control Blood Sugar Level: The number of diabetes patients is increasing rapidly all over the world, India is even called the 'capital of diabetes' because many people here are falling prey to this disease. Along with genetic reasons behind this, there are disturbances in eating habits and lifestyle problems. In this medical condition, if the victims do not take care of themselves, then their blood sugar level will increase, but there can also be a risk of many other diseases including kidney and heart disease. However, by changing your daily routine, you can reduce this problem to a great extent.

How to prevent health deterioration in diabetes

Remove these things from the diet

There are many things to eat and drink which are not at all good for diabetes patients. You have to remove rice and potatoes from your daily diet because the calories present in it increase the blood glucose level and then many problems can arise for you.

Start eating these foods

Diabetes patients should take a healthy diet, especially green vegetables are very beneficial for them, such as cauliflower, cabbage, beans, etc. Apart from this, a protein-based diet is also necessary like chicken and fish. Keep in mind that cooking the food in less oil, otherwise, the cholesterol level will increase.

Do this work after meals

Be it lunch or dinner, even if you eat healthy food, then it is necessary to walk for 5 to 10 minutes after that because it keeps the blood sugar level under control. It is also good for your overall health.

Stay away from tension

Be it a diabetic patient or any normal person, everyone should stay away from stress, because it is the root of many diseases, try to be happy in life because it is often said that 'worry is like a pyre'. '

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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