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At present, it is seen that stomach upset is becoming a very common problem, every fourth person seems to be troubled by stomach-related problems. Health experts say that the main reason behind stomach-related problems is people's wrong eating habits and bad lifestyle. Doctors say that if people adjust their eating and drinking time, they can get relief from this problem to a great extent. Today, through this article, we are going to tell you about some special yogasanas to get rid of the problem of constipation, gas, and acidity, which you can include in your daily routine to get rid of this problem. Let us know -

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* Baddha Konasana for digestion:

Let us tell you that by doing this asana, all the gas in the stomach comes out and along with stomach pain and stiffness, the problem of opening the stomach starts going away. To do this asana, one has to sit cross-legged. By doing this, the thighs feel quite relaxed. Sitting in this angle also helps in reducing mental stress.

* Halasana for relief from constipation:

If you also feel that your stomach is not getting cleaned properly even after sitting in the toilet for a long time, then you should definitely include Halasana Yoga in your daily routine. Sitting in this posture improves the process of bowel movement and along with this you also get relief from the problems of gas and constipation.

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Mayurasana is better for indigestion:

Let us tell you that Mayurasana is considered to be the best for those people who are not able to digest what they eat or drink properly. Doing this asana provides relief from problems like sour belching, indigestion, and gas. This yoga is very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes.

* Pawanmuktasana Yoga to release gas:

Let us tell you that Pawanmuktasana yoga is considered very good for the stomach. By doing this asana, the digestive system of your body gets strengthened and the food eaten gets digested immediately. Due to proper digestion of food, there is no excessive gas and acidity in the stomach.