How to Avoid High Cholesterol: According to health experts, millions of people are roaming around the world who are at serious risk of high cholesterol. The symptoms of this disease are also slowly emerging in front of them, but due to their non-recognition, people remain unaware of this problem. By the time they are diagnosed with high cholesterol, it is too late and the situation has gone out of hand. Today we will tell you about 2 such symptoms related to high cholesterol, knowing about you will be able to protect yourself from this disease to a great extent.

What is high cholesterol?

First of all, let us know what is high cholesterol symptoms. Cholesterol is that waxy substance found in our blood that is made by the liver as well as some of the foods you eat. According to Britain's government health service NHS, the body needs cholesterol to build cells and make vitamins and hormones. But the problem occurs when its quantity increases more than necessary. In such a situation, it can also be fatal for us.

Millions of people are suffering in the world

British website The Sun has published an important report on this issue. According to the website, doctors of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) say that millions of people in the world are living with the risk of high cholesterol and they are unaware of its symptoms. In such a situation, they are not even able to get their treatment done. According to Dr. Rachel Ward, the effect of deteriorating conditions can be visible near your eyes.

The disease can also be hereditary

They say that if white or yellow lumps have emerged near your eyelids or nose, then it can be a sign of High Cholesterol Symptoms. This condition is called xanthelasma deposits. This is an indication that you may have high cholesterol. This type of lump on the nose and eyelids usually emerges due to hereditary disease. If someone in your family has had a problem with high cholesterol, then this disease can surround you too. This is called familial hypercholesterolemia.

Symptoms of high cholesterol

Yellow lumps in the inner part of the eye (Xanthelasmas)

If there is a small yellow lump near the inner corner of your eye, then it indicates high cholesterol symptoms. You should be alert as soon as you see such a sign and immediately contact the doctor and start the treatment.

Corneal arcus

Seeing yellowness near the inner part of the eye i.e. iris can also be a symptom of high cholesterol. This sign should not be ignored.

According to the NHS, other PAD symptoms include:

Due to high cholesterol, there is an obstruction in the supply of blood to the heart. Because of this, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. This condition is called peripheral arterial disease (PAD). When this happens, these symptoms appear.

- Excruciating pain in the legs while walking, which disappears after taking some rest.

- Hair loss on the legs

- Numbness or weakness in the legs

- Wounds on the legs that do not heal

- Pale or blue discoloration of the skin on the legs

- Erectile dysfunction in men

- Weakness of the muscles in the legs

Do these measures to avoid

According to the British Health Service, people should take several measures to avoid High Cholesterol Symptoms. There are many such methods, by adopting which you can get rid of this problem. Things like quitting smoking, exercising regularly, reducing fatty food, eating a healthy diet, and eating fruits and vegetables and whole grains should be adopted.

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