Drinking Water Rules: There is a deep connection between water and beauty. Water not only keeps you healthy but also makes you beautiful. The way of drinking water does not let your age come on the skin and face. Many times people must have heard saying that drinking a lot of water keeps the redness of the face. That's perfect. If you also want to look 25 years old even at the age of 40 and want to remain young forever, then you should know the right way to drink water. Today we are going to tell you 5 such rules for drinking water, following which your age will start decreasing and your face will get an amazing glow.

5 rules of drinking water

1. Never drink water immediately after eating food. Drink water only after about half an hour of eating. If you have eaten food and want to drink something, you can drink milk, whey, curd, and shikanji.

2. Never drink water in one fell swoop. That means one should not drink a lot of water at once. Water should be drunk comfortably in sips. It is good for stomach health.

3. Everyone should avoid drinking cold water. If you are very thirsty and you are looking for chilled water then it is wrong. It is always better to drink water from an earthen pot during summer.

4. After getting fresh in the morning, breakfast should be done only after drinking a glass of lukewarm water. Or should drink tea first? This brings out the toxins accumulated in the body.

5. Often people start drinking water while standing, this method is not right at all. This should be avoided. Doing this is not good for health. That's why one should never drink water while standing.

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