To give strength to the body, many beneficial things should be consumed. Jaggery and gram are also included in these beneficial things. It will come as no surprise to many that grandmother's and grandmother's recipes for health and wellness still work wonders. Jaggery and gram are also included in these. A mixture of roasted gram and jaggery is a powerhouse of proteins and carbohydrates that can not only help in recovering from pollution-related diseases but can also help in boosting immunity and prevent tooth decay. Eating jaggery and gram has many health benefits. Here we are going to tell you about some such benefits

Benefits of jaggery and gram...
1. Roasted gram is beneficial in the treatment of respiratory diseases. All you have to do is eat roasted gram before sleeping at night and then drink a glass of warm milk.

2. Eating jaggery gram increases the body's immunity, which helps in reducing fat.

3. Menstruating women should consume this mixture to meet the loss of blood from the body as jaggery is a rich source of iron and gram is rich in protein.

4. It is also believed that regular consumption of jaggery gram helps in sharpening memory due to the presence of Vitamin B6.

5. Gur Chana is an ideal post-workout snack as it helps in boosting the energy level of the body.

6. Regular consumption of jaggery gram helps prevent tooth decay as it is high in phosphorus.

7. The potassium present in the mixture helps prevent heart attack.

8. If you experience frequent urination, then consuming roasted gram with jaggery is considered beneficial.

9. It is said that eating roasted gram regularly increases the immunity of the body, due to which diseases stay away.

How to consume jaggery gram?
Soak a handful of a gram in a glass of water overnight. Take out the chickpeas from the water and eat them with a small piece of jaggery on an empty stomach. Keep in mind that chew the mixture slowly.